These are the implemented methods for different S3 classes to be used in plot2()
. Since they have an extensive list of arguments, they are placed here on a separate manual page.
# Default S3 method
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
category = NULL,
facet = NULL,
type = NULL,
x.title = TRUE,
y.title = TRUE,
category.title = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
tag = NULL,
title.linelength = 60,
title.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_primary", "black"),
subtitle.linelength = 60,
subtitle.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_secondary", "grey35"),
na.replace = "",
na.rm = FALSE,
facet.position = "top",
facet.fill = NULL,
facet.bold = TRUE,
facet.italic = FALSE,
facet.size = 10,
facet.margin = 8,
facet.repeat_lbls_x = TRUE,
facet.repeat_lbls_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_x = NULL,
facet.drop = FALSE,
facet.nrow = NULL,
facet.relative = FALSE,
x.date_breaks = NULL,
x.date_labels = NULL,
x.date_remove_years = NULL,
category.focus = NULL,
colour = getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"),
colour_fill = NULL,
colour_opacity = 0,
x.lbl_angle = 0,
x.lbl_align = NULL,
x.lbl_italic = FALSE,
x.lbl_taxonomy = FALSE,
x.remove = FALSE,
x.position = "bottom",
x.max_items = Inf,
x.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
category.max_items = Inf,
category.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
facet.max_items = Inf,
facet.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
x.breaks = NULL,
x.n_breaks = NULL,
x.transform = "identity",
x.expand = NULL,
x.limits = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.character = NULL,
x.drop = FALSE,
x.mic = FALSE,
x.zoom = FALSE,
y.remove = FALSE,
y.24h = FALSE,
y.age = FALSE,
y.scientific = NULL,
y.percent = FALSE,
y.percent_break = 0.1,
y.breaks = NULL,
y.n_breaks = NULL,
y.limits = NULL,
y.labels = NULL,
y.expand = NULL,
y.transform = "identity",
y.position = "left",
y.zoom = FALSE,
y_secondary = NULL,
y_secondary.type = type,
y_secondary.title = TRUE,
y_secondary.colour = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.colour_fill = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.scientific = NULL,
y_secondary.percent = FALSE,
y_secondary.labels = NULL,
category.labels = NULL,
category.percent = FALSE,
category.breaks = NULL,
category.limits = NULL,
category.expand = 0,
category.midpoint = NULL,
category.transform = "identity",
category.date_breaks = NULL,
category.date_labels = NULL,
category.character = NULL,
x.sort = NULL,
category.sort = TRUE,
facet.sort = TRUE,
x.complete = NULL,
category.complete = NULL,
facet.complete = NULL,
datalabels = TRUE,
datalabels.round = ifelse(y.percent, 2, 1),
datalabels.format = "%n",
datalabels.colour = "grey25",
datalabels.colour_fill = NULL,
datalabels.size = (3 * text_factor),
datalabels.angle = 0,
datalabels.lineheight = 1,
decimal.mark = dec_mark(),
big.mark = big_mark(),
summarise_function = base::sum,
stacked = FALSE,
stacked_fill = FALSE,
horizontal = FALSE,
reverse = horizontal,
smooth = NULL,
smooth.method = NULL,
smooth.formula = NULL, = TRUE,
smooth.level = 0.95,
smooth.alpha = 0.25,
smooth.linewidth = 0.75,
smooth.linetype = 3,
smooth.colour = NULL,
size = NULL,
linetype = 1,
linewidth = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
width = NULL,
jitter_seed = NA,
violin_scale = "count",
legend.position = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
legend.reverse = FALSE,
legend.barheight = 6,
legend.barwidth = 1.5,
legend.nbin = 300,
legend.italic = FALSE,
sankey.node_width = 0.15,
sankey.node_whitespace = 0.03,
sankey.alpha = 0.5,
sankey.remove_axes = NULL,
zoom = FALSE,
sep = " / ",
print = FALSE,
text_factor = 1,
font = getOption("plot2.font"),
theme = getOption("plot2.theme", "theme_minimal2"),
background = getOption("plot2.colour_background", "white"),
markdown = TRUE,
# S3 method for class 'formula'
.data = NULL,
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
category = NULL,
facet = NULL,
type = NULL,
x.title = TRUE,
y.title = TRUE,
category.title = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
tag = NULL,
title.linelength = 60,
title.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_primary", "black"),
subtitle.linelength = 60,
subtitle.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_secondary", "grey35"),
na.replace = "",
na.rm = FALSE,
facet.position = "top",
facet.fill = NULL,
facet.bold = TRUE,
facet.italic = FALSE,
facet.size = 10,
facet.margin = 8,
facet.repeat_lbls_x = TRUE,
facet.repeat_lbls_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_x = NULL,
facet.drop = FALSE,
facet.nrow = NULL,
facet.relative = FALSE,
x.date_breaks = NULL,
x.date_labels = NULL,
x.date_remove_years = NULL,
category.focus = NULL,
colour = getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"),
colour_fill = NULL,
colour_opacity = 0,
x.lbl_angle = 0,
x.lbl_align = NULL,
x.lbl_italic = FALSE,
x.lbl_taxonomy = FALSE,
x.remove = FALSE,
x.position = "bottom",
x.max_items = Inf,
x.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
category.max_items = Inf,
category.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
facet.max_items = Inf,
facet.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
x.breaks = NULL,
x.n_breaks = NULL,
x.transform = "identity",
x.expand = NULL,
x.limits = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.character = NULL,
x.drop = FALSE,
x.mic = FALSE,
x.zoom = FALSE,
y.remove = FALSE,
y.24h = FALSE,
y.age = FALSE,
y.scientific = NULL,
y.percent = FALSE,
y.percent_break = 0.1,
y.breaks = NULL,
y.n_breaks = NULL,
y.limits = NULL,
y.labels = NULL,
y.expand = NULL,
y.transform = "identity",
y.position = "left",
y.zoom = FALSE,
y_secondary = NULL,
y_secondary.type = type,
y_secondary.title = TRUE,
y_secondary.colour = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.colour_fill = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.scientific = NULL,
y_secondary.percent = FALSE,
y_secondary.labels = NULL,
category.labels = NULL,
category.percent = FALSE,
category.breaks = NULL,
category.limits = NULL,
category.expand = 0,
category.midpoint = NULL,
category.transform = "identity",
category.date_breaks = NULL,
category.date_labels = NULL,
category.character = NULL,
x.sort = NULL,
category.sort = TRUE,
facet.sort = TRUE,
x.complete = NULL,
category.complete = NULL,
facet.complete = NULL,
datalabels = TRUE,
datalabels.round = ifelse(y.percent, 2, 1),
datalabels.format = "%n",
datalabels.colour = "grey25",
datalabels.colour_fill = NULL,
datalabels.size = (3 * text_factor),
datalabels.angle = 0,
datalabels.lineheight = 1,
decimal.mark = dec_mark(),
big.mark = big_mark(),
summarise_function = base::sum,
stacked = FALSE,
stacked_fill = FALSE,
horizontal = FALSE,
reverse = horizontal,
smooth = NULL,
smooth.method = NULL,
smooth.formula = NULL, = TRUE,
smooth.level = 0.95,
smooth.alpha = 0.25,
smooth.linewidth = 0.75,
smooth.linetype = 3,
smooth.colour = NULL,
size = NULL,
linetype = 1,
linewidth = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
width = NULL,
jitter_seed = NA,
violin_scale = "count",
legend.position = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
legend.reverse = FALSE,
legend.barheight = 6,
legend.barwidth = 1.5,
legend.nbin = 300,
legend.italic = FALSE,
sankey.node_width = 0.15,
sankey.node_whitespace = 0.03,
sankey.alpha = 0.5,
sankey.remove_axes = NULL,
zoom = FALSE,
sep = " / ",
print = FALSE,
text_factor = 1,
font = getOption("plot2.font"),
theme = getOption("plot2.theme", "theme_minimal2"),
background = getOption("plot2.colour_background", "white"),
markdown = TRUE,
data = NULL,
# S3 method for class 'freq'
x = .data$item,
y = .data$count,
category = NULL,
facet = NULL,
type = NULL,
x.title = "Item",
y.title = "Count",
category.title = TRUE,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
tag = NULL,
title.linelength = 60,
title.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_primary", "black"),
subtitle.linelength = 60,
subtitle.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_secondary", "grey35"),
na.replace = "",
na.rm = FALSE,
facet.position = "top",
facet.fill = NULL,
facet.bold = TRUE,
facet.italic = FALSE,
facet.size = 10,
facet.margin = 8,
facet.repeat_lbls_x = TRUE,
facet.repeat_lbls_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_x = NULL,
facet.drop = FALSE,
facet.nrow = NULL,
facet.relative = FALSE,
x.date_breaks = NULL,
x.date_labels = NULL,
x.date_remove_years = NULL,
category.focus = NULL,
colour = getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"),
colour_fill = NULL,
colour_opacity = 0,
x.lbl_angle = 0,
x.lbl_align = NULL,
x.lbl_italic = FALSE,
x.lbl_taxonomy = FALSE,
x.remove = FALSE,
x.position = "bottom",
x.max_items = Inf,
x.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
category.max_items = Inf,
category.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
facet.max_items = Inf,
facet.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
x.breaks = NULL,
x.n_breaks = NULL,
x.transform = "identity",
x.expand = NULL,
x.limits = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.character = NULL,
x.drop = FALSE,
x.mic = FALSE,
x.zoom = FALSE,
y.remove = FALSE,
y.24h = FALSE,
y.age = FALSE,
y.scientific = NULL,
y.percent = FALSE,
y.percent_break = 0.1,
y.breaks = NULL,
y.n_breaks = NULL,
y.limits = NULL,
y.labels = NULL,
y.expand = NULL,
y.transform = "identity",
y.position = "left",
y.zoom = FALSE,
y_secondary = NULL,
y_secondary.type = type,
y_secondary.title = TRUE,
y_secondary.colour = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.colour_fill = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.scientific = NULL,
y_secondary.percent = FALSE,
y_secondary.labels = NULL,
category.labels = NULL,
category.percent = FALSE,
category.breaks = NULL,
category.limits = NULL,
category.expand = 0,
category.midpoint = NULL,
category.transform = "identity",
category.date_breaks = NULL,
category.date_labels = NULL,
category.character = NULL,
x.sort = "freq-desc",
category.sort = TRUE,
facet.sort = TRUE,
x.complete = NULL,
category.complete = NULL,
facet.complete = NULL,
datalabels = TRUE,
datalabels.round = ifelse(y.percent, 2, 1),
datalabels.format = "%n",
datalabels.colour = "grey25",
datalabels.colour_fill = NULL,
datalabels.size = (3 * text_factor),
datalabels.angle = 0,
datalabels.lineheight = 1,
decimal.mark = dec_mark(),
big.mark = big_mark(),
summarise_function = base::sum,
stacked = FALSE,
stacked_fill = FALSE,
horizontal = FALSE,
reverse = horizontal,
smooth = NULL,
smooth.method = NULL,
smooth.formula = NULL, = TRUE,
smooth.level = 0.95,
smooth.alpha = 0.25,
smooth.linewidth = 0.75,
smooth.linetype = 3,
smooth.colour = NULL,
size = NULL,
linetype = 1,
linewidth = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
width = NULL,
jitter_seed = NA,
violin_scale = "count",
legend.position = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
legend.reverse = FALSE,
legend.barheight = 6,
legend.barwidth = 1.5,
legend.nbin = 300,
legend.italic = FALSE,
sankey.node_width = 0.15,
sankey.node_whitespace = 0.03,
sankey.alpha = 0.5,
sankey.remove_axes = NULL,
zoom = FALSE,
sep = " / ",
print = FALSE,
text_factor = 1,
font = getOption("plot2.font"),
theme = getOption("plot2.theme", "theme_minimal2"),
background = getOption("plot2.colour_background", "white"),
markdown = TRUE,
# S3 method for class 'sf'
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
category = NULL,
facet = NULL,
type = NULL,
x.title = FALSE,
y.title = FALSE,
category.title = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
tag = NULL,
title.linelength = 60,
title.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_primary", "black"),
subtitle.linelength = 60,
subtitle.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_secondary", "grey35"),
na.replace = "",
na.rm = FALSE,
facet.position = "top",
facet.fill = NULL,
facet.bold = TRUE,
facet.italic = FALSE,
facet.size = 10,
facet.margin = 8,
facet.repeat_lbls_x = TRUE,
facet.repeat_lbls_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_x = NULL,
facet.drop = FALSE,
facet.nrow = NULL,
facet.relative = FALSE,
x.date_breaks = NULL,
x.date_labels = NULL,
x.date_remove_years = NULL,
category.focus = NULL,
colour = getOption("plot2.colour_sf", "grey50"),
colour_fill = getOption("plot2.colour_sf_fill", getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2")),
colour_opacity = 0,
x.lbl_angle = 0,
x.lbl_align = NULL,
x.lbl_italic = FALSE,
x.lbl_taxonomy = FALSE,
x.remove = FALSE,
x.position = "bottom",
x.max_items = Inf,
x.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
category.max_items = Inf,
category.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
facet.max_items = Inf,
facet.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
x.breaks = NULL,
x.n_breaks = NULL,
x.transform = "identity",
x.expand = 0,
x.limits = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.character = NULL,
x.drop = FALSE,
x.mic = FALSE,
x.zoom = FALSE,
y.remove = FALSE,
y.24h = FALSE,
y.age = FALSE,
y.scientific = NULL,
y.percent = FALSE,
y.percent_break = 0.1,
y.breaks = NULL,
y.n_breaks = NULL,
y.limits = NULL,
y.labels = NULL,
y.expand = 0,
y.transform = "identity",
y.position = "left",
y.zoom = FALSE,
y_secondary = NULL,
y_secondary.type = type,
y_secondary.title = TRUE,
y_secondary.colour = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.colour_fill = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.scientific = NULL,
y_secondary.percent = FALSE,
y_secondary.labels = NULL,
category.labels = NULL,
category.percent = FALSE,
category.breaks = NULL,
category.limits = NULL,
category.expand = 0,
category.midpoint = NULL,
category.transform = "identity",
category.date_breaks = NULL,
category.date_labels = NULL,
category.character = NULL,
x.sort = NULL,
category.sort = TRUE,
facet.sort = TRUE,
x.complete = NULL,
category.complete = NULL,
facet.complete = NULL,
datalabels = TRUE,
datalabels.round = ifelse(y.percent, 2, 1),
datalabels.format = NULL,
datalabels.colour = "black",
datalabels.colour_fill = NULL,
datalabels.size = (3 * text_factor),
datalabels.angle = 0,
datalabels.lineheight = 1,
decimal.mark = dec_mark(),
big.mark = big_mark(),
summarise_function = base::sum,
stacked = FALSE,
stacked_fill = FALSE,
horizontal = FALSE,
reverse = horizontal,
smooth = NULL,
smooth.method = NULL,
smooth.formula = NULL, = TRUE,
smooth.level = 0.95,
smooth.alpha = 0.25,
smooth.linewidth = 0.75,
smooth.linetype = 3,
smooth.colour = NULL,
size = NULL,
linetype = 1,
linewidth = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
width = NULL,
jitter_seed = NA,
violin_scale = "count",
legend.position = "right",
legend.title = NULL,
legend.reverse = FALSE,
legend.barheight = 6,
legend.barwidth = 1.5,
legend.nbin = 300,
legend.italic = FALSE,
sankey.node_width = 0.15,
sankey.node_whitespace = 0.03,
sankey.alpha = 0.5,
sankey.remove_axes = NULL,
zoom = FALSE,
sep = " / ",
print = FALSE,
text_factor = 1,
font = getOption("plot2.font"),
theme = theme_minimal2(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor =
element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), plot.margin = unit(c(5, 5, 0, 0),
units = "pt"), axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.line =
element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()),
background = getOption("plot2.colour_background", "white"),
markdown = TRUE,
data = NULL,
crs = NULL,
datalabels.centroid = NULL,
# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
category = NULL,
facet = NULL,
type = NULL,
x.title = TRUE,
y.title = TRUE,
category.title = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
tag = NULL,
title.linelength = 60,
title.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_primary", "black"),
subtitle.linelength = 60,
subtitle.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_secondary", "grey35"),
na.replace = "",
na.rm = FALSE,
facet.position = "top",
facet.fill = NULL,
facet.bold = TRUE,
facet.italic = FALSE,
facet.size = 10,
facet.margin = 8,
facet.repeat_lbls_x = TRUE,
facet.repeat_lbls_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_x = NULL,
facet.drop = FALSE,
facet.nrow = NULL,
facet.relative = FALSE,
x.date_breaks = NULL,
x.date_labels = NULL,
x.date_remove_years = NULL,
category.focus = NULL,
colour = getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"),
colour_fill = NULL,
colour_opacity = 0,
x.lbl_angle = 0,
x.lbl_align = NULL,
x.lbl_italic = FALSE,
x.lbl_taxonomy = FALSE,
x.remove = FALSE,
x.position = "bottom",
x.max_items = Inf,
x.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
category.max_items = Inf,
category.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
facet.max_items = Inf,
facet.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
x.breaks = NULL,
x.n_breaks = NULL,
x.transform = "identity",
x.expand = NULL,
x.limits = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.character = NULL,
x.drop = FALSE,
x.mic = FALSE,
x.zoom = FALSE,
y.remove = FALSE,
y.24h = FALSE,
y.age = FALSE,
y.scientific = NULL,
y.percent = FALSE,
y.percent_break = 0.1,
y.breaks = NULL,
y.n_breaks = NULL,
y.limits = NULL,
y.labels = NULL,
y.expand = NULL,
y.transform = "identity",
y.position = "left",
y.zoom = FALSE,
y_secondary = NULL,
y_secondary.type = type,
y_secondary.title = TRUE,
y_secondary.colour = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.colour_fill = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.scientific = NULL,
y_secondary.percent = FALSE,
y_secondary.labels = NULL,
category.labels = NULL,
category.percent = FALSE,
category.breaks = NULL,
category.limits = NULL,
category.expand = 0,
category.midpoint = NULL,
category.transform = "identity",
category.date_breaks = NULL,
category.date_labels = NULL,
category.character = NULL,
x.sort = NULL,
category.sort = TRUE,
facet.sort = TRUE,
x.complete = NULL,
category.complete = NULL,
facet.complete = NULL,
datalabels = TRUE,
datalabels.round = ifelse(y.percent, 2, 1),
datalabels.format = "%n",
datalabels.colour = "grey25",
datalabels.colour_fill = NULL,
datalabels.size = (3 * text_factor),
datalabels.angle = 0,
datalabels.lineheight = 1,
decimal.mark = dec_mark(),
big.mark = big_mark(),
summarise_function = base::sum,
stacked = FALSE,
stacked_fill = FALSE,
horizontal = FALSE,
reverse = horizontal,
smooth = NULL,
smooth.method = NULL,
smooth.formula = NULL, = TRUE,
smooth.level = 0.95,
smooth.alpha = 0.25,
smooth.linewidth = 0.75,
smooth.linetype = 3,
smooth.colour = NULL,
size = NULL,
linetype = 1,
linewidth = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
width = NULL,
jitter_seed = NA,
violin_scale = "count",
legend.position = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
legend.reverse = FALSE,
legend.barheight = 6,
legend.barwidth = 1.5,
legend.nbin = 300,
legend.italic = FALSE,
sankey.node_width = 0.15,
sankey.node_whitespace = 0.03,
sankey.alpha = 0.5,
sankey.remove_axes = NULL,
zoom = FALSE,
sep = " / ",
print = FALSE,
text_factor = 1,
font = getOption("plot2.font"),
theme = getOption("plot2.theme", "theme_minimal2"),
background = getOption("plot2.colour_background", "white"),
markdown = TRUE,
# S3 method for class 'matrix'
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
category = NULL,
facet = NULL,
type = NULL,
x.title = FALSE,
y.title = FALSE,
category.title = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
tag = NULL,
title.linelength = 60,
title.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_primary", "black"),
subtitle.linelength = 60,
subtitle.colour = getOption("plot2.colour_font_secondary", "grey35"),
na.replace = "",
na.rm = FALSE,
facet.position = "top",
facet.fill = NULL,
facet.bold = TRUE,
facet.italic = FALSE,
facet.size = 10,
facet.margin = 8,
facet.repeat_lbls_x = TRUE,
facet.repeat_lbls_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_y = NULL,
facet.fixed_x = NULL,
facet.drop = FALSE,
facet.nrow = NULL,
facet.relative = FALSE,
x.date_breaks = NULL,
x.date_labels = NULL,
x.date_remove_years = NULL,
category.focus = NULL,
colour = getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"),
colour_fill = NULL,
colour_opacity = 0,
x.lbl_angle = 0,
x.lbl_align = NULL,
x.lbl_italic = FALSE,
x.lbl_taxonomy = FALSE,
x.remove = FALSE,
x.position = "bottom",
x.max_items = Inf,
x.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
category.max_items = Inf,
category.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
facet.max_items = Inf,
facet.max_txt = "(rest, x%n)",
x.breaks = NULL,
x.n_breaks = NULL,
x.transform = "identity",
x.expand = NULL,
x.limits = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.character = NULL,
x.drop = FALSE,
x.mic = FALSE,
x.zoom = FALSE,
y.remove = FALSE,
y.24h = FALSE,
y.age = FALSE,
y.scientific = NULL,
y.percent = FALSE,
y.percent_break = 0.1,
y.breaks = NULL,
y.n_breaks = NULL,
y.limits = NULL,
y.labels = NULL,
y.expand = NULL,
y.transform = "identity",
y.position = "left",
y.zoom = FALSE,
y_secondary = NULL,
y_secondary.type = type,
y_secondary.title = TRUE,
y_secondary.colour = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.colour_fill = get_colour(getOption("plot2.colour", "ggplot2"), 2),
y_secondary.scientific = NULL,
y_secondary.percent = FALSE,
y_secondary.labels = NULL,
category.labels = NULL,
category.percent = FALSE,
category.breaks = NULL,
category.limits = NULL,
category.expand = 0,
category.midpoint = NULL,
category.transform = "identity",
category.date_breaks = NULL,
category.date_labels = NULL,
category.character = NULL,
x.sort = NULL,
category.sort = TRUE,
facet.sort = TRUE,
x.complete = NULL,
category.complete = NULL,
facet.complete = NULL,
datalabels = TRUE,
datalabels.round = ifelse(y.percent, 2, 1),
datalabels.format = "%n",
datalabels.colour = "grey25",
datalabels.colour_fill = NULL,
datalabels.size = (3 * text_factor),
datalabels.angle = 0,
datalabels.lineheight = 1,
decimal.mark = dec_mark(),
big.mark = big_mark(),
summarise_function = base::sum,
stacked = FALSE,
stacked_fill = FALSE,
horizontal = FALSE,
reverse = horizontal,
smooth = NULL,
smooth.method = NULL,
smooth.formula = NULL, = TRUE,
smooth.level = 0.95,
smooth.alpha = 0.25,
smooth.linewidth = 0.75,
smooth.linetype = 3,
smooth.colour = NULL,
size = NULL,
linetype = 1,
linewidth = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
width = NULL,
jitter_seed = NA,
violin_scale = "count",
legend.position = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
legend.reverse = FALSE,
legend.barheight = 6,
legend.barwidth = 1.5,
legend.nbin = 300,
legend.italic = FALSE,
sankey.node_width = 0.15,
sankey.node_whitespace = 0.03,
sankey.alpha = 0.5,
sankey.remove_axes = NULL,
zoom = FALSE,
sep = " / ",
print = FALSE,
text_factor = 1,
font = getOption("plot2.font"),
theme = getOption("plot2.theme", "theme_minimal2"),
background = getOption("plot2.colour_background", "white"),
markdown = TRUE,
- .data, data
data to plot
- x
plotting 'direction' for the x axis. This can be:
A single variable from
, such asx = column1
A function to calculate over one or more variables from
, such asx = format(column1, "%Y")
, orx = ifelse(column1 == "A", "Group A", "Other")
Multiple variables from
, such asx = c(column1, column2, column2)
, or using selection helpers such asx = where(is.character)
orx = starts_with("var_")
(only allowed and required for Sankey plots usingtype = "sankey"
- y
values to use for plotting along the y axis. This can be:
A single variable from
, such asy = column1
Multiple variables from
, such asy = c(column1, column2)
ory = c(name1 = column1, "name 2" = column2)
, or using selection helpers such asy = where(is.double)
ory = starts_with("var_")
(multiple variables only allowed ifcategory
is not set)A function to calculate over
returning a single value, such asy = n()
for the row count, or based on other variables such asy = n_distinct(person_id)
,y = max(column1)
, ory = median(column2) / column3
A function to calculate over
returning multiple values, such asy = quantile(column1, c(0.25, 0.75))
ory = range(age)
(multiple values only allowed ifcategory
is not set)
- category, facet
plotting 'direction' (
is called 'fill' and 'colour' inggplot2
). This can be:A single variable from
, such ascategory = column1
A function to calculate over one or more variables from
, such ascategory = median(column2) / column3
, orfacet = ifelse(column1 == "A", "Group A", "Other")
Multiple variables from
, such asfacet = c(column1, column2)
to control the separator character)One or more variables from
using selection helpers, such ascategory = where(is.double)
orfacet = starts_with("var_")
can also be a date or date/time (classDate
).- type, y_secondary.type
type of visualisation to use. This can be:
geom name or their abbreviation such as"col"
. All geoms are supported (includinggeom_blank()
).Full function names can be used (e.g.,
), but they can also be abbreviated (e.g.,"h"
). The following geoms can be abbreviated by their first character: area ("a"
), boxplot ("b"
), column ("c"
), histogram ("h"
), jitter ("j"
), line ("l"
), point ("p"
), ribbon ("r"
), and violin ("v"
).Please note: in
, 'bars' and 'columns' are equal, while it is common to many people that 'bars' are oriented horizontally and 'columns' are oriented vertically since Microsoft Excel has been using these terms this way for many years. For this reason,type = "bar"
will settype = "col"
andhorizontal = TRUE
.One of these additional types:
), which is effectively a shortcut to settype = "col"
andhorizontal = TRUE
andx.max_items = 10
andx.sort = "freq-desc"
anddatalabels.format = "%n (%p)"
), which setstype = "line"
and adds two point geoms usingadd_point()
; one with large white dots and one with smaller dots using the colours set incolour
. This is essentially equal to base Rplot(..., type = "b")
but with closed shapes."upset"
) creates an UpSet plot, which requiresx
to contain multiple variables
that contain0
values. Alternatively,x
must be one columns with the so-called sets (e.g.,x = c("A", "A", "B")
) andy
must be an identifier (e.g.,y = c(1, 2, 2)
), which setstype = "point"
andhorizontal = TRUE
, and adds a line between the points (usinggeom_segment()
). The line colour cannot be changed. This plot type is only possible when thecategory
has two distinct values."sankey"
) creates a Sankey plot usingcategory
for the flows and requiresx
to contain multiple variables
. At default, it also setsx.expand = c(0.05, 0.05)
andy.limits = c(NA, NA)
andy.expand = c(0.01, 0.01)
. The so-called 'nodes' (the 'blocks' with text) are considered the datalabels, so you can set the text size and colour of the nodes usingdatalabels.size
, anddatalabels.colour_fill
. The transparency of the flows can be set usingsankey.alpha
, and the width of the nodes can be set usingsankey.node_width
. Sankey plots can also be flipped usinghorizontal = TRUE
Left blank. In this case, the type will be determined automatically:
if there is no x axis or if the length of unique values per x axis item is at least 3,"point"
if both the y and x axes are numeric, and the option"plot2.default_type"
otherwise (which defaults to"col"
). Usetype = "blank"
ortype = "geom_blank"
to not add a geom.
- title, subtitle, caption, tag, x.title, y.title, category.title, legend.title, y_secondary.title
a title to use. This can be:
A character, which supports markdown by using
internally ifmarkdown = TRUE
(which is the default)A function to calculate over
, such astitle = paste("Based on n =", n_distinct(person_id), "individuals")
orsubtitle = paste("Total rows:", n())
, see ExamplesAn expression, e.g. using
parse(text = "...")
defaults toTRUE
if the legend items are numeric.- title.linelength
maximum number of characters per line in the title, before a linebreak occurs
- title.colour
text colour of the title
- subtitle.linelength
maximum number of characters per line in the subtitle, before a linebreak occurs
- subtitle.colour
text colour of the subtitle
- na.replace
character to put in place of
values ifna.rm = FALSE
- na.rm
values from showing in the plot- facet.position, facet.fill, facet.bold, facet.italic, facet.size, facet.margin, facet.repeat_lbls_x, facet.repeat_lbls_y, facet.drop, facet.nrow, facet.relative
additional settings for the plotting direction
- facet.fixed_y
a logical to indicate whether all y scales should have the same limits. Defaults to
only if the coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by mean) of the maximum values of y is less than 25%.- facet.fixed_x
a logical to indicate whether all x scales should have the same breaks. This acts like the inverse of
.- x.date_breaks
breaks to use when the x axis contains dates, will be determined automatically if left blank. This accepts values such as
"1 day"
and"2 years"
.- x.date_labels
labels to use when the x axis contains dates, will be determined automatically if left blank. This accepts 'Excel' date-language such as
"d mmmm yyyy"
.- x.date_remove_years
a logical to indicate whether the years of all
values must be unified. This will set the years of allx
values to 1970 if the data does not contain a leap year, and to 1972 otherwise. This allows to plot years on thecategory
while maintaining a date range onx
. The default isFALSE
, unlesscategory
contains all years present inx
.- category.focus
a value of
that should be highlighted, meaning that all other values incategory
will be greyed out. This can also be a numeric value between 1 and the length of unique values ofcategory
, e.g.category.focus = 2
to focus on the second legend item.- colour
get_colour(s) to set, will be evaluated with
if set. This can also be one of the viridis colours with automatic implementation for any plot:"viridis"
. Also, this can be a named vector to match values ofcategory
, see Examples. Using a named vector can be used to manually sort the values ofcategory
.- colour_fill
get_colour(s) to be used for filling, will be determined automatically if left blank and will be evaluated with
- colour_opacity
amount of opacity for
(0 = solid, 1 = transparent)- x.lbl_angle
angle to use for the x axis in a counter-clockwise direction (i.e., a value of
will orient the axis labels from bottom to top, a value of270
will orient the axis labels from top to bottom)- x.lbl_align
alignment for the x axis between
(left aligned) and1
(right aligned)- x.lbl_italic
logical to indicate whether the x labels should in in italics
- x.lbl_taxonomy
a logical to transform all words of the
labels into italics that are in the microorganisms data set of theAMR
package. This usesmd_to_expression()
internally and will setx.labels
to parse expressions.- x.remove, y.remove
a logical to indicate whether the axis labels and title should be removed
- x.position, y.position
position of the axis
- x.max_items, category.max_items, facet.max_items
number of maximum items to use, defaults to infinite. All other values will be grouped and summarised using the
function. Please note: the sorting will be applied first, allowing to e.g. plot the top n most frequent values of the x axis by combiningx.sort = "freq-desc"
withx.max_items =
n.- x.max_txt, category.max_txt, facet.max_txt
the text to use of values not included number of
. The placeholder%n
will be replaced with the outcome of thesummarise_function
function, the placeholder%p
will be replaced with the percentage.- x.breaks, y.breaks
a breaks function or numeric vector to use for the axis
- x.n_breaks, y.n_breaks
number of breaks, only useful if
- x.transform, y.transform, category.transform
a transformation function to use, e.g.
. This can be:"asinh"
.- x.expand, y.expand
expansion to use for the axis, can be length 1 or 2.
defaults to 0.5 andy.expand
defaults to0.25
, except for sf objects (then both default to 0).- x.limits, y.limits
limits to use for the axis, can be length 1 or 2. Use
for the highest or lowest value in the data, e.g.y.limits = c(0, NA)
to have the y scale start at zero.- x.labels, y.labels, y_secondary.labels
a labels function or character vector to use for the axis
- x.character
a logical to indicate whether the values of the x axis should be forced to character. The default is
, except for years (values between 2000 and 2050) and months (values from 1 to 12).- x.drop
logical to indicate whether factor levels should be dropped
- x.mic
logical to indicate whether the x axis should be formatted as MIC values, by dropping all factor levels and adding missing factors of 2
- x.zoom, y.zoom
a logical to indicate if the axis should be zoomed on the data, by setting
x.limits = c(NA, NA)
andx.expand = 0
for the x axis, ory.limits = c(NA, NA)
andy.expand = 0
for the y axis- y.24h
a logical to indicate whether the y labels and breaks should be formatted as 24-hour sequences
- y.age
a logical to indicate whether the y labels and breaks should be formatted as ages in years
- y.scientific, y_secondary.scientific
a logical to indicate whether the y labels should be formatted in scientific notation. Defaults to
only if the range of the y values spans more than10e5
.- y.percent, y_secondary.percent
a logical to indicate whether the y labels should be formatted as percentages
- y.percent_break
a value on which the y axis should have breaks
- y_secondary
values to use for plotting along the secondary y axis. This functionality is poorly supported by
and might give unexpected results. Setting the secondary y axis will set the colour to the axis titles.- y_secondary.colour, y_secondary.colour_fill
colours to set for the secondary y axis, will be evaluated with
- category.labels, category.percent, category.breaks, category.expand, category.midpoint
settings for the plotting direction
.- category.limits
limits to use for a numeric category, can be length 1 or 2. Use
for the highest or lowest value in the data, e.g.category.limits = c(0, NA)
to have the scale start at zero.- category.date_breaks
breaks to use when the category contains dates, will be determined automatically if left blank. This will be passed on to
seq.Date(by = ...)
and thus can be: a number, taken to be in days, or a character string containing one of "day", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year" (optionally preceded by an integer and a space, and/or followed by "s").- category.date_labels
labels to use when the category contains dates, will be determined automatically if left blank. This accepts 'Excel' date-language such as
"d mmmm yyyy"
.- category.character
a logical to indicate whether the values of the category should be forced to character. The default is
, except for years (values between 2000 and 2050) and months (values from 1 to 12).- x.sort, category.sort, facet.sort
sorting of the plotting direction, defaults to
, except for continuous values on the x axis (such as dates and numbers). Applying one of the sorting methods will transform the values to an ordered factor, whichggplot2
uses to orient the data. Valid values are:A manual vector of values
: sort factors on their levels, otherwise sort ascending on alphabet, while maintaining numbers in the text (numeric sort)FALSE
: sort according to the order in the dataNULL
: do not sort/transform at all"asc"
: sort asTRUE
: sort factors on their reversed levels, otherwise sort descending on alphabet, while maintaining numbers in the text (numeric sort)"order"
: sort asFALSE
: sort descending according to the frequencies ofy
computed bysummarise_function
(highest value first)"freq-asc"
: sort ascending according to the frequencies ofy
computed bysummarise_function
(lowest value first)
- x.complete, category.complete, facet.complete
a value to complete the data. This makes use of
. For example, usingx.complete = 0
will applydata |> complete(full_seq(x, ...), fill = list(x = 0))
. Using valueTRUE
(e.g.,x.complete = TRUE
) is identical to using value0
.- datalabels
values to show as datalabels, see also
. This can be:Left blank. This will default to the values of
in column-type plots, or when plotting spatial 'sf' data, the values of the first column. It will print a maximum of 25 labels unlessdatalabels = TRUE
to force or remove datalabelsA function to calculate over
, such asdatalabels = paste(round(column1), "\n", column2)
- datalabels.round
number of digits to round the datalabels, applies to both
for replacement (seedatalabels.format
)- datalabels.format
format to use for datalabels. This can be a function (such as
) or a text. For the text,"%n"
will be replaced by the count number, and"%p"
will be replaced by the percentage of the total count. Usedatalabels.format = NULL
to not transform the datalabels.- datalabels.colour, datalabels.colour_fill, datalabels.size, datalabels.angle, datalabels.lineheight
settings for the datalabels
- decimal.mark
decimal mark, defaults to
- big.mark
thousands separator, defaults to
- summarise_function
a function to use if the data has to be summarised, see Examples. This can also be
, which will be converted tofunction(x) x
.- stacked
- stacked_fill
a logical to indicate that values must be filled (i.e., stacked to 100%)
- horizontal
a logical to turn the plot 90 degrees using
. This option also updates some theme options, so that e.g.,x.lbl_italic
will still apply to the original x axis.- reverse
a logical to reverse the values of
. Uselegend.reverse
to reverse the legend ofcategory
.- smooth
a logical to add a smooth. In histograms, this will add the density count as an overlaying line (default:
). In all other cases, a smooth will be added usinggeom_smooth()
).- smooth.method, smooth.formula,, smooth.level, smooth.alpha, smooth.linewidth, smooth.linetype, smooth.colour
settings for
- size
size of the geom. Defaults to
for geoms point and jitter,5
for a dumbbell plots (usingtype = "dumbbell"
), and to0.75
otherwise.- linetype
linetype of the geom, only suitable for geoms that draw lines. Defaults to 1.
- linewidth
linewidth of the geom, only suitable for geoms that draw lines. Defaults to:
- binwidth
width of bins (only useful for
geom = "histogram"
), can be specified as a numeric value or as a function that calculates width fromx
, seegeom_histogram()
. It defaults to approx.diff(range(x))
divided by 12 to 22 based on the data.- width
width of the geom. Defaults to
for geoms boxplot, violin and jitter, and to0.5
otherwise.- jitter_seed
seed (randomisation factor) to be set when using
type = "jitter"
- violin_scale
scale to be set when using
type = "violin"
, can also be set to"area"
- legend.position
position of the legend, must be
), can be abbreviated. Defaults to"right"
for numericcategory
values and 'sf' plots, and"top"
otherwise.- legend.reverse, legend.barheight, legend.barwidth, legend.nbin, legend.italic
other settings for the legend
- sankey.node_width
width of the vertical nodes in a Sankey plot
- sankey.node_whitespace
whitespace between the nodes in a Sankey plot
- sankey.alpha
alpha of the flows in a Sankey plot
- sankey.remove_axes
logical to indicate whether all axes must be removed in a Sankey plot
- zoom
a logical to indicate if the plot should be scaled to the data, i.e., not having the x and y axes to start at 0. This will set
x.zoom = TRUE
andy.zoom = TRUE
.- sep
separator character to use if multiple columns are given to either of the three directions:
, e.g.facet = c(column1, column2)
a logical to indicate if the result should be printed instead of just returned
- text_factor
text factor to use, which will apply to all texts shown in the plot
- font
font (family) to use, can be set with
options(plot2.font = "...")
. Can be any installed system font or any of the > 1400 font names from Google Fonts. When using custom fonts in R Markdown, be sure to set the chunk optionfig.showtext = TRUE
, otherwise an informative error will be generated.- theme
a valid
theme to apply, orNULL
to use the defaulttheme_grey()
. This argument accepts themes (e.g.,theme_bw()
), functions (e.g.,theme_bw
) and characters themes (e.g.,"theme_bw"
). The default istheme_minimal2()
, but can be set withoptions(plot2.theme = "...")
.- background
the background colour of the entire plot, can also be
to remove it. Will be evaluated withget_colour()
. Only applies whentheme
is notNULL
.- markdown
a logical to turn all labels and titles into plotmath expressions, by converting common markdown language using the
function (defaults toTRUE
)- ...
any argument to give to the geom. This will override automatically-set settings for the geom.
- crs
the coordinate reference system (CRS) to use. If this is not left blank,
will be used to transform the geometric data to the new CRS.- datalabels.centroid
a logical to indicate whether datalabels must be centred on the polygon (using
, the default), or be placed on the 'best' spot on the surface (usingsf::st_point_on_surface()
For geographic information system (GIS) analysis, use the sf
package with a data set containing geometries. The result can be used as input for plot2()