
Section I

  1. General Introduction

  2. Diagnostic Stewardship: Sense or Nonsense?!
    Berends MS*, Luz CF*, Wouthuyzen-Bakker M, Märtson AG, Alffenaar JW, Dik JWH, Glasner C, Sinha BNM
    Dutch Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2018) 26;3

  3. Introducing a New, Free, and Independent Method for Standardised, Reproducible and Reliable Analyses of Antimicrobial Resistance Data
    Berends MS, Luz CF, Sinha BNM, Glasner C, Friedrich AW
    In preparation

Section II

  1. AMR - An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data
    Berends MS*, Luz CF*, Friedrich AW, Sinha BNM, Albers CJ, Glasner C
    Journal of Statistical Software (2021), ahead of print

  2. Rapid Analysis of Diagnostic and Antimicrobial Patterns in R (RadaR): Interactive Open-Source Software App for Infection Management and Antimicrobial Stewardship
    Luz CF, Berends MS, Dik JWH, Lokate M, Pulcini C, Glasner C, Sinha BNM
    Journal of Medical Internet Research (2019) 21;6, e12843

  3. Better Antimicrobial Resistance Data Analysis and Reporting in Less Time
    Berends MS*, Luz CF*, Zhou X, Friedrich AW, Lokate ML, Sinha BNM, Glasner C
    medRxiv [preprint] (2021), 21257599

Section III

  1. Trends in Occurrence and Phenotypic Resistance of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CoNS) Found in Blood in the Northern Netherlands between 2013 and 2019
    Berends MS, Luz CF, Ott A, Andriesse GI, Becker K, Glasner C, Friedrich AW
    In preparation

  2. Defining Multidrug Resistance of Gram-Negative Bacteria in the Dutch-German Border Region-Impact of National Guidelines
    Köck R, Siemer P, Esser J, Kampmeier S, Berends MS, Glasner C, Arends JP, Becker K, Friedrich AW
    Microorganisms (2018) 6;1

  3. Changing Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in 42 Hospitals in the Dutch-German Border Region, 2012 to 2016: Results of the Search-and-Follow-Policy
    Jurke A, Daniels-Haardt I, Silvis W, Berends MS, Glasner C, Becker K, Köck R, Friedrich AW
    Eurosurveillance (2019) 24;15

  4. A Prospective Multicentre MDRO Screening Study on ICUs in the Dutch-German Cross-Border Region (2017-2018): The Importance of Healthcare Structures
    Berends MS*, Glasner C*, Becker K, Esser J, Gieffers J, Jurke A, Kampinga G, Kampmeier S, Klont R, Köck R, Al Naemi N, Ott A, Ruis G, Saris K, Tami A, Van Zeijl J, Von Müller L, Voss A, Waar K, Friedrich AW
    Eurosurveillance (2021), ahead of print

Section IV

  1. Summary and Future Perspectives

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Samenvatting in het Nederlands
Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch
Alphabetical list of published work
Alphabetical list of related presentations
Acknowledgements / Tankwurd / Dankwoord / Danksagung
Curriculum Vitae

* Equal contribution
Equal contribution