Data set containing 'EUCAST Expected Resistant Phenotypes' of all bug-drug combinations between the microorganisms and antimicrobials data sets.
A tibble with 271 905 observations and 2 variables:
Microorganism ID which occurs inmicroorganisms$mo
. Names can be retrieved usingmo_name()
Antimicrobial ID which occurs inantimicrobials$ab
. Names can be retrieved usingab_name()
This data set is currently based on 'EUCAST Expected Resistant Phenotypes' v1.2 (2023).
This data set is internally used by:
Download Our Reference Data
All reference data sets in the AMR package - including information on microorganisms, antimicrobials, and clinical breakpoints - are freely available for download in multiple formats: R, MS Excel, Apache Feather, Apache Parquet, SPSS, and Stata.
For maximum compatibility, we also provide machine-readable, tab-separated plain text files suitable for use in any software, including laboratory information systems.
Visit our website for direct download links, or explore the actual files in our GitHub repository.