A data set containing 3 000 microbial isolates that are not cleaned up and consequently not ready for AMR data analysis. This data set can be used for practice.
A tibble with 3 000 observations and 8 variables:
ID of the patientdate
date of receipt at the laboratoryhospital
ID of the hospital, from A to Cbacteria
info about microorganism that can be transformed withas.mo()
, see also microorganismsAMX:GEN
4 different antimicrobials that have to be transformed withas.sir()
Download Our Reference Data
All reference data sets in the AMR package - including information on microorganisms, antimicrobials, and clinical breakpoints - are freely available for download in multiple formats: R, MS Excel, Apache Feather, Apache Parquet, SPSS, and Stata.
For maximum compatibility, we also provide machine-readable, tab-separated plain text files suitable for use in any software, including laboratory information systems.
Visit our website for direct download links, or explore the actual files in our GitHub repository.
#> # A tibble: 3,000 × 8
#> patient_id hospital date bacteria AMX AMC CIP GEN
#> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 J3 A 2012-11-21 E. coli R I S S
#> 2 R7 A 2018-04-03 K. pneumoniae R I S S
#> 3 P3 A 2014-09-19 E. coli R S S S
#> 4 P10 A 2015-12-10 E. coli S I S S
#> 5 B7 A 2015-03-02 E. coli S S S S
#> 6 W3 A 2018-03-31 S. aureus R S R S
#> 7 J8 A 2016-06-14 E. coli R S S S
#> 8 M3 A 2015-10-25 E. coli R S S S
#> 9 J3 A 2019-06-19 E. coli S S S S
#> 10 G6 A 2015-04-27 S. aureus S S S S
#> # ℹ 2,990 more rows